Page name: Castle in the Clouds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-14 15:20:56
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HELLO ALL, AND WELCOME TO Castle in the Clouds


All are welcome to join. Anything goes, however there is one rule! You have to be fair. You must always remember that life isn't planned and that anything can happen. Most importantly, Please respect the other members!


The story behind this kingdom ~ The castle has been around since the dawning of time, tho its always been hidden until recently. Several hunderd years ago outcasts from a small land far away, stumbled across the castle. They were soon joined by others who had been thrown out of their homes because of a difference in opinion. They quickly set up a council so that all could have a say in what went on in the kingdom. The laws that were laid down by the Founders have stayed as the basis for the society. The castle doors are guarded by two dragons, belonging to Aurora and Bakuryu.


Castle Members <---That link, is where you can add the decription of your character. If you want to be a part of this wiki, you must make a character.

Castle Training Room <---Is also allowed to be used for RPing! Thought you guys/gals might like a place to train. If you have a problem with another member of this wiki, deal with it here. I dont want it on this page!

If you want to have normal converstations, then go to Normal Convo's Only Please. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I just rather this page, and the training room only be used for RPing

The bedrooms <--Every member will have his or her own room. It is your own room, do with it what ever you like.


Please do all RPing in the comment section. This space needs to be reserved for information about the Castle. The only ones allowed to change the information on this page are Aurora and Bakuryu.


If you have any questions, just send them to [Angelic nightmares] and they will be answered.


I'm not tolerating much crap anymore. Anyone who vialates the rules of this wiki, will be banned.

Username (or number or email):


2005-11-07 [Angelic nightmares]: -appears in her dragon form, and changes into her human form and walks around-

2005-11-08 [Elessar Culnámo]: Elidor wakes up and shakes his head. He looks around but can hardly see because his vision is so blurry. rubs his head and winces. "How could this happen? Nothing could have come up behind me...I would have heard it." Elidor tries to get up but can't. He feels around for something to hold onto for support and grabs hold of a cold stone wall. He stands up and begins to hobble around.

2005-11-08 [Angelic nightmares]: Apprears at Elidors side helping him to walk. "Are you ok?"

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu steps up to the castle gate, his eyes determined. No trace of fear was in his eyes as he stared down both dragons...

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: The dragon belonging to him, leans down and gently nuzzles his cheek, and Aurora's dragon lightly licks his other cheek

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu smiles gently and lightly pats both dragons as he makes his way past them.

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: Runs up to him in her wolf form. "hello mi'love," She said after chaging into her human form. "I'm glad your finally home."

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu pulls her into a huge embrace then looks towards Elidor. He tilts his head and speaks for the first time."Are you alright?"

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She keeps her arms around Bakuriu, and says "I hope he's ok."

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: He smiles and lightly squeezes her, then gently takes her hand, interlacing their fingers." I do too."

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: *Mikira exits her room and walks down the corridor quietly*

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: Smiles at Elidor, then lightly kisses Bakuriu. With his hand in hers, they walk around the gardens, she shows him all the new plants and flowers that have appeared since he's been gone.

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu tilts his head as they walk through the gardens, his eyes taking in all the sights."Have I really missed this much?"

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She nods slowly, and turns so she's facing him. "But now that your home, we can have that family we were always talking about....that is, if its what you want."

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: He blinked lightly then smiled to himself."Yes...that would be perfect."

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: *walks out on to the balcony at the end of the hall and watches the in the garden together*

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles and lays her head on his shoulder lightly whipsering "I love you"

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu smiles gently and kisses the top of her head."I love you too." He looks around for a moment then sighs."Wow...Seven years..."

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She sighs slightly "But now that your home, you can stay home right?" She looks at him hopefully.

2005-11-09 [Dark Erk]: He smiles and nods."Yes. I have no intention on leaving again. I resigned as a Mercenary."

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him, her eyes filling with tears "Please be careful. I dont want to loose you."

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: *Mikira sighs. If only she could have someone as loving as he. She turns around and walks off bitterly*

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She sees Mikira out of the corner of her eye, and kisses Bakuriu on the cheek. "I'll be right back mi'love." She dissappers, and reappers at Mikira's side. "Are you ok? You seem sad"

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: she looks to Aurora. "I'm fine" She smiles. "Go back to has been so long since you last saw one another"

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: "I want to stay and talk to you. Your new here, and I want us to be friends."

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: She nods. "Okay"

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles at her new friend "How long have you been here?" she asks sweetly

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: "3 days" Looks at the ground

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: she places her hand on Mikira cheek "What's the matter hun? Its a lovely day out, you shouldn't be sad."

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: She shakes her head. "just love sick"

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles "With who?"

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: Points back to the window

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: She doesn't need to look to know who shes talking about......"Oh" she says softly.

2005-11-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: Nods. "that's why I was walking away. You see, we used to be together but he doesn't remember me."

2005-11-09 [Angelic nightmares]: "Oh....." she says with a sigh. "I...I need to be alone for a bit" she walks down the long hallway and dissapears into one of the rooms

2005-11-10 [Lithium Lullaby]: Mikira goes back to her room and sits on the bed Thinking to herself.

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora appears down by the riverside, holding onto a red rose "Where are you my love?" She says to her self

2005-11-10 [Lithium Lullaby]: Mikira gets up and decides to go to the armory room to train with her newest sword

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu looks around a bit, then sighs, thinking to himself."Where could have Aurora gone?" He then looks up, the thought slapping him in the face"The riverside..."

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: She sits down, and sighs "Bakuriu, where are you?" she says softly, tossing a few pebbles into the river

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: He sighs lightly then jogs down to the riverside."Aurora?"

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: She hears him calling her, then snapps out of her trance, and runs up to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: He blinks lightly then puts his arms around her."Are you ok?"

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him, her eyes full of tears "I dont know my love, I met someone yesterday, and she said that you guys used to be together....."

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu blinks then scratches his head. "Who might that have been?"

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: "Mikira......" she said softly "But I dont know how that could have been, we've known each other our whole lives"

2005-11-10 [Lithium Lullaby]: Mikira stops training to call out to aurora telepathically past life, that is why he doesn't remember...I am immortal, and very old

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu thinks and shakes his head. He begins to mull this thought through his mind.

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at Bakuriu, and hands him the rose "I used magick, to keep it alive until the day you die......I wanted to know that you were safe when you were at training......"

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu smiles gently as he takes the rose."Thank you." He smiles gently and lightly kisses her lips."Take me to meet your new friend?"

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: She kisses back and takes his hand in hers "Hold on tight. Last time this happened, was right before you left for training" she smiles at him, feeling her hand grip tighter, and then they dissappear, only to reapppear next to Mikira

2005-11-10 [Lithium Lullaby]: Turns to look at Aurora

2005-11-10 [Dark Erk]: Bakuriu blinked lightly and laughs a bit, he then bows his head in respect to the young lady in front of him."Hello."

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora bows towards her friend, "Hello" she says softly. Holding onto Bakuriu's hand even tighter

2005-11-10 [Lithium Lullaby]: Mikira bows her head slightly. "hello"

2005-11-10 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora sighs, and lays her head on Bakuriu's shoulder and closes her eyes

2005-11-11 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin stoppes his horse on top of a hill, the rain running down his armor, he has no idea where he is but he will just keep going north till he finds what he seeks

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora's dragon appears next to Rathin's side, and leads him up to the castle

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: *slowly steps out of the woods and whistles* Nice place you people have here.

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *around in the trees a dark shadow is moving fast from branch to branch*

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: tells Bakuriu's dragon that everything is alright, and walks up to Lorric, "Hello, and welcome"

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: *bows slightly* Greetings, *looks to the dragon and bows a little deeper* It's a pleasure to make your aquantince.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: she smiles at him "The pleasures mine, I'm Auroura" she says extending her hand

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *in the cover of some branches and leaves the shadow watches the people talking trying to hear their conversation to see if it would be of any interrest*

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: Lynx. *clasps Auroura's arm* What is this place?

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Shes nudged by Bakuriu's dragon, and pats him on the head, then looks back a Lynx. "A place I like to call home. Its more like paradise really."

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: oh. *looks around* It seems nice so far. Not sure I could say the same about the forest.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She tilts her head "What do you mean?"

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: Found a group of ogres something about their teritory and wanting my pouch. *shrugs* Well other than that it wasn't to bad.

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *the shadow grins then decides to reveal his identity... Just in case you know?*

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Allows Bakuriu's dragon to investigate the forest, soon after her own dragon follows. "Those two are really never far apart."

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: Oh I don't think you have to worry about anything really. I left a... warning... to others like them. *smiles warmly*

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *grins more when he leaps down and lands right before this Lynx getting up gracefully looking to Auroura from under his hat*

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles back, and blushes "Excuse my manners. Would you like to come in? We have a lovely garden, a huge library...."

2005-11-11 [Lorric]: *smiles* Hello dark brother...

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *he bows* M'lady Auroura I would be delighted though I am mostly here to offer my services to you...

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *gives Lynx a mere glance then nods his head* Hello mister Lynx

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: she bows back "I am honoured"

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *bows his head to her to respond to her compliment* Are you willing to accept my offer?

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She nods her head "Yes I am"

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *nods* good.... Then let's start talking my fee... shall we?

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: "What would you like?" she asks softly.

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu sighs softly and sits off to the side, his eyes closing slightly.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Has her dragon bring Bakuryu to her side

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *looks to her* I am not a greedy man.... A simple nice sized pouch of gold is enough for me..

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *looks to Bakuryu and bows* Hello sir Bakuryu

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looks from Aurora to the man."Hello..Mr...."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: hands him a small brown pouch and lightly kisses Bakuryu

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: He smiles gently and lightly kissed Aurora."Wow...that was unexpected."

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *bows more as he receieves the pouch* Names Remagetsu Sir Bakuryu

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu blinks momentarily then grins."Remagetsu? Long time no see."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Smiles at the two of them "Mi'love...would you like me to leave?"

2005-11-11 [KnightAngel]: *keeps his head bowed awaiting out of respect and obedience*

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu pulls Remagetsu into a tight, brotherly hug, then smiles at Aurora."No its ok."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She places her hand his cheek "Its ok Remagetsu"

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles at Aurora."Babe, I owe this man my life."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles at Bakuryu "You were at training with him love?"

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nodded."Yes, but that's not why I owe him my life."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She tilts her head. "What happened hun?"

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles gently and motions for her to sit down, then starts to tell the story." I was ambushed on my last mission. Two hundred men surrounded me...I thought it was just going to be me against all of them. When the fight broke out, Remagetsu came out of nowhere and helped. He saved my life. Therefore I owe him mine."

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles at Bakuryu "Then I'm forever in his debt, for making sure you came home safely"

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles as well, his head bowing to Remagetsu.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora suddenly tackles Bakuryu and hugs him tightly knocking them both over

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu grins and hugs Aurora.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She lighhtly kisses Bakuryu

2005-11-11 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu lightly kisses back and smiles.

2005-11-11 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles as well "You haven't a clue, how happy I am that your home"

2005-11-12 [Lorric]: Hello. *bows slightly to Bakuryu* so... where's the pub? I ran out of holy water halfway through the forest.

2005-11-12 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin is lead by the dragon to a castle, he had never seen one so unique, the dragon nodded to him and he followed on his horse to the gates

2005-11-12 [Elessar Culnámo]: Elidor sits stumbles through the hallways leaning against the wall trying to remember what happened to him.

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiled gently."I suppose not love." He then looks at Lynx and points down the hall. "Third door on the right."

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: She calls her dragon to her side, and kisses Bakuryu lightly

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and kisses back.

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks deep in his eyes and places his hand on her stomach and nods slowly, as a smile starts to grow on her own face.

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu tilts his head and smiles, his bright blue eyes shining."Are you?"

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: Auroura looks at him grinning and slowly nods her head. "Yes my love."

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and pulls her into a tight hug."Oh Baby!" He kisses her deeply and smiles.

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: She kisses back, and hugs him just as tightly. "Your gonna be a daddy!"

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: He smiles and flips up to his feet, helping her up."How far along are you?"

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: "A couple of weeks"

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles.

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: Auroua smiles back

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: He smiles and helps her up, cuddling her lightly.

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: she cuddles back "We can have our family"

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